
Our responsabilities​

Our responsabilities​

Responsability towards ​our Group and our shareholders​


  • We contribute to the enhancement of the Group’s image by sharing the same environmental, social and governance values.​
  • We develop our business activities responsibly and we stand by our undertakings.​
  • We communicate reliable and appropriate information concerning our business activities and results.​
  • We protect confidential documents and data.​
  • We respect and protect property made available to us.​
  • We avoid conflicts of interest or situations that may be perceived as such.​
  • We fulfil our employment contract conscientiously.​

Responsability towards ​our staff​


  • We respect obligations arising from the law and contracts.​
  • We respect diversity and condemn all discriminations.​
  • We promote mutual respect and do not tolerate harassment.​
  • We encourage our staff to consider the environmental consequences of their actions and seek to minimize the impact where it is reasonable.​
  • We maintain a healthy and harmonious working environment.​
  • We respect the individual and her/his private life.​
  • We are committed to resources and competencies development and improvement policy.​
  • We value expertise and support and encourage entrepreneurial spirit.​

Responsability towards ​civil society​


  • We comply with laws and regulations.​
  • We actively manage risks in accordance with sustainable development principles and act in of greater environmental responsibility by reducing the overall impact of the transport industry on the planet.
  • We respect personal commitments provided they do not involve the Group.
  • We do not tolerate corruption nor encourage illicit practices.

Responsability to our ​commercial partners​


  • We are representatives of the commitment and values of the Group.
  • We believe in free competition and respect our competitors.
  • We do not accept gifts and advantages that would create a situation of obligation.
  • We act properly and in an appropriate manner with our customers providing quality, and confidentiality where appropriate.
  • We confer importance to our partners sharing our ethical principles.
