
Safety & Sustainability

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We operate a safety-first culture in all our procedures and in everything we do.

Whether the goods we transport, the equipment we design and maintain in our workshops,or simply railway activities in general, we operate in a highly safety-conscious industry.

We are unfailing in our focus on ensuring the complete safety of people and goods at every level, in every one of our activities and business units.

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The group’s activities are guided by the framework set out in the European Green Deal.

These activities focus primarily on the railway sector, one of the most efficient users of fossil fuel resources.

And our dry lease model optimizes our assets: railcars and tank containers can be used indefinitely and are 100% recyclable when they become obsolete.

2023 Sustainability Report

At Streem

Our duty is :


  • To ensure the health and safety of our employees and persons involved in our operations.
  • To satisfy our customers and assist them to ensure the security of their operations.
  • To deliver reliable, compliant and certified products and services.
  • To comply with applicable laws, regulations and procedures.
  • To naturally apply a sustainable development approach.
  • To maintain employee satisfaction and motivate them to be involved in the continual improvement process.
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To observe these commitments


We have :


  • Implemented a Group Safety Management System.
  • Created a Group Safety Management Committee.
  • Adopted a common event management method in order to provide optimized feedbacks.


We keep :


  • Controlling compliance with procedures and regulatory requirements relating to Safety, Quality, and the Environment.
  • Communicating internally on the performance of the Safety Management System.
  • Assessing the risks of all our operations by using relevant indicators.
  • Providing continuous training to all our employees.
